Introducing the world to African cooking Lerato Umah-Shaylor publication with HQ Africana is packed with traditional and innovative African recipes. Lerato a cook, a presenter, a food writer is a leading advocate a star of African cuisine. Her vision has always been to promote a healthy-eating life based on African food and as an entrepreneur she has hosted many supper clubs and cooking classes. Inspired from her time in the kitchen with her parents, traditional cooking is the basis of her ideas and passion into foods of her life.
The Africa Centre is back with its vibrant #SUMMER #FESTIVAL
The Africa Centre Summer Festival takes over the streets around its new home just three minutes walk from Tate Modern and Southwark tubes. Come experience great music from across the African and Black British music scenes with THREE STAGES.
Lopè Ariyo loves devising innovative African recipes. Lopè a rising star of African food, a healthy-eating advocate, a recent math graduate is also a social media expert, photo and video tech-savvy entrepreneur. All of these skills were required plus passion to win her the top prize in the Red magazine and Harper Collins publishing competition 2016. With imagination and inspiration from your heritage, yes you can turn your African cooking skills into a career and business.
Keeping Healthy African Cooking
Traditions Alive with FufuMagic!
FufuMagic is a revolutionary new food processor that makes preparing healthy, traditional African staple foods easy and convenient
Do you love eating African dishes but are daunted by the process of making fufu, garri, pounded yam, ugali, amala, etc yourself?
South African wine has a history dating back to 1659 with Constantia, a vineyard near Cape Town, being considered one of the greatest wines in the world. Recent access to international markets has unleashed a burst of new energy and new investment. We wish now to make you aware of these wines. We would then love you to try African food and pair this with South African wine. With this in mind here is how to 'taste' wine like a pro and a guide to pairing food with wine.
Munch Africa is an exciting new online platform which seeks to service our love of take-out food by offering home cooked African cuisine made with a very personal touch. The Munch Africa team are catering to homesick Africans first and second generation living in firstly American and now the United Kingdom - making meals from chefs and caterers of the motherlands Africa while also giving other foodies and diners a taste of Africa in the diaspora.
If I said to you bush tucker what is the first thing that comes into your mind bush tucker trials? Extreme eating! Eating crocodile penis, scorpion, cricket, ants and mealworm in I'm A Celebrity. It is true eat snails from the French menu and you are celebrated; eat African snails and wow that is gross. Media images of food are everywhere of what we should eat and it is not bush. Fran Osseo-Asare believes that there is a negative image of African food. See the video by Fran Osseo-Asare author of Ghana Cookbook.
Along the way there will be many people who wish to start up an African or Caribbean supperclub with a long term vision of creating a restaurant business. Here is a Question and Answer from an inspiring entrepreneur let's called her Terry with such an vision, although the vision has yet to be realised. Turning ideas into businesses is hard work requiring detailed planning and, because we’re not turning good plans into action, there’s no one to pave the way for the next generation behind us.
The food and drink scene is constantly evolving with a relentless flow of new trends emerging, and the public embracing even the craziest of foodie fads. Mainly washed down with alcohol. Today this current generation spends more time and money dining out, treating food and drink as more of an experience than simply fuel to get you through the day. As this demand for food and drink experiences increases, so does the opportunity for passionate cooks at home, restaurants and supperclubs.