Fried Rice with Shrimps

By West Africa Cooks, 28 October, 2013

Fried Rice with Shrimps

Yield amount
Yield units
Preparation time
40 minutes
Cooking time
40 minutes
Total time
1 hour, 20 minutes

How to make Fried Rice with Shrimps?
1. Pick and wash rice.
2. Soak in warm water for about 20 minutes -Drain and rinse.
3. Cook in the water over low heat until the water is absorbed.
4. Heat the oil in a heavy saucepan.
5. Break eggs and fry in the oil, till firm.
6. Remove saucepan from heat and cut the eggs thinly, while still in the pan.
7. Put saucepan over heat again and add shrimps, onions, pepper and salt.
8. Cook gently, stirring all the time.
9. Add rice and sugar.
10 Cook over low heat for 10 minutes stirring all the time.
11. Serve whilst still hot.


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