African Century

By West Africa Cooks, 5 June, 2013

Today seven of the ten fastest growing economies today lie in Africa. In the region of West Africa, Ghana is on course to be the world's eighth fastest-growing economy between 2011 and 2015, while Nigeria (with expected growth of 7 per cent this year) is set to become one of the world's largest by the end of this decade.

Grocery firms International Expansion

For grocery firms eyeing up international expansion, it's obvious that emerging markets are the place to be. Fresh data from research firm IGD Joanne Denney-Finch shows the increasing dominance of emerging market consumers on the retail sector. By 2016, the top 15 global grocery markets will have a total value of $6.5 trillion. Although there are no African countries in this top 15, the opportunity is now for business to invest long term in West Africa.

Fresh West African groceries

With all this going on it is no surprise that Amazon are planning to expand its fresh grocery operation in the US, and are plotting an international expansion. Fresh West African grocery; when this happens West Africa Cooks will be at the front offering you these products.

West Africa Cooks

China's grocery market reaches US$1trillion


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