Thinking of writing a book? Well if you can cook African, Caribbean or Southern food here are three reasons why you should start to write down, document and collect your recipes.
Thinking of writing a book? Well if you can cook African, Caribbean or Southern food here are three reasons why you should start to write down, document and collect your recipes.
Ask a British person for their favourite place to have a meal out, and they are just as likely to name a Chinese or an Indian restaurant as a fish and chip shop. But nowadays food from other parts of the world is becoming very fashionable in the United Kingdom - including cuisine from Africa. West Africa Cooks have discovered that there are plenty of tasty and authentic African foods in London as supper club restaurateurs are helping to develop a positive image of Africa in the minds of the city's diners.
Thinking of starting your own business? Well if you can cook African, Caribbean or Southern and Soul food here are three reasons why you should start a supper club.
‎African food events, feasts, festivals, carnivals and celebrations; popup‬s ‪supper‬ clubs and ‪lunch clubs; Nigerian, Ghanaian, Senegalese, Sierra Leone/Liberian and Eritrean. I have attended many events in the year 2015. I attended five African pop-ups in November month so I am getting an idea of what is what. The question is what did I learn during my ‪event visits? Well here is my feedback.
African-foodie time to go to supper clubs in London and review them. Here westafricacooks attended the Sierra Leonean And Liberian Supper Club Cham Cham @ HATCH Wednesday 11th November at 7.30pm @Hackney E9 East London,
The host for this event is Nims (Nimatu Owino). The food type is Sierra Leone and Liberian. The proceeds from some of the supper clubs was donated to an Ebola charity.
So you are an adventurous eater, a foodie now wondering whether you will like other African foods away from the family heritage of say your parents of Nigeria or you have never tried African cooking but you have sampled Indian. Well from Ghanaian street food to Ethiopian restaurants, African food is in London and it’s about to make its mark even bigger and better in November with a number of supper club events. Now this is the best time to try a new cuisine.
West Africans living in New York. Guineans, Malians, Ghanaians, Nigerians, and Ivory Coasters being the main groups. Gradually the eating establishments of these people have grown.
Cooking from this restaurants includes okra and black-eyed-pea-based dishes. Senegalese cheb (a national dish of fish and vegetables over flavored rice), mafe (peanut sauce with lamb or chicken), and yassa (fish or chicken with a mustard-onion relish).