One pot is palm oil, vegetables, rice, fish or cooked meat.
How to cook One Pot?
1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to boil.
2. Add tomato paste, onion and pepper.
3. Wash rice, add to boiling liquid, boil rapidly until rice has absorbed almost all the water, stirring occasionally.
4. Add flaked fish or cooked meat and oil. Stir to distribute them evenly in rice.
5. Cover and cook (steam) until rice is done.
6. Serve hot.
One pot can be made with palm oil or other vegetable oil and any amount of protein rich food may be added to improve its food value. To make it a complete meal some vegetables could be added such as green beans, black-eyed beans (cooked), shredded cabbage, carrots.
Favourite Sierra Leone Recipes by Pamela Greene