Dr Pamela Greene, Scientist, Nutritionist, Home Economist

By West Africa Cooks, 9 December, 2014

Dr Pamela Adjua Sybil Greene, fondly known as Aunty Pam, was a scientist, nutritionist, home economist and freelance consultant in health communications. She had a wide range of experience as a teacher, trainer, curriculum material developer, administrator, research and programme/project developer and evaluator. Her work in information, education, communication and health science management covered the broad spectrum of health issues particularly with the health of women, adolescent and children.

Pamela was one of the first science graduates from Fourah Bay College. She inspired young girls in various secondary schools in Sierra Leone to study science at the Freetown Secondary School for Girls.

Some of Pamela's student days in London, together with other young Sierra Leoneans, were spent in Hornsey London N8. She studied at the University of London, where she pursued a course in Nutrition, then returning to Sierra Leone in 1964 as Sierra Leone's first fully trained Nutritionist. She was appointed the first head of the Home Economics Department at the Njala University College developing the degree curriculum programme, teaching university students and conducting research and extension/outreach activities to rural women and their families.

In 1972, she served as Assistant Director of the International Family Planning Project of the American Home Economics Association. She conducted several regional and national workshops, seminars assisting local partner organisations to develop capacity and promote family planning and population education in Sierra Leone. In 1974, she became the Regional Co-ordinator for the Africa-American Home Economics Association and international Family Planning Project.

Between the years 1982 to 2000, Pamela held various authoritative posts, namely, Freelance Consultant in Health and family Planning Communications, Country Director PATH in Kenema, and Director of Programmes at the Marie Stopes Society of Sierra Leone. Within her very capable role as Director of Projects for the Sierra Leone Association of Maternal and infant Health for the Ministry of Health, Pamela conducted research, needs assessment and evaluation relating to health, family planning especially in adolescent health, female genital mutilation, nutrition and safe motherhood.

Pamela enjoyed food and the concept and importance to eat well from birth to adulthood was ever present in her thinking. In light of this during the period 1964 1966, she developed the original recipe for Sierra Leone's Bennimix, field testing it with children under five before the product was commercially produced. I am sure there are many parents today whose children in Sierra Leone greatly benefited from feeding their children with Bennimix!

As the Director of Projects of the Sierra Leone Home Economics Association, she planned and implemented two three-year projects for "Out of School Youth on Science and Technology Education for self-Reliance". She produced a wide variety of training and IEC materials on health related topics including STI, HIV, AIDS, Cervical Cancer and Adolescent reproductive health for different target groups including policy makers, workers, teachers, youths, traditional birth attendants and mothers. Pamela served on many advisory boards and committees both internationally and locally. These included the Annie Walsh Memorial School, Association of Children's Literacy in Science and Technology and Marie Stopes International.

Throughout Pamela's adult life her strength, commitment, knowledge and education engaged her in many facets relating to the development of children and adolescent. She was the founder member of several local and international NGOs including the Nutrition Society of Sierra Leone (NSSL), Sierra Leone Association of University Women (SLAM), Sierra Leone Home Economics Association (SLHEA), Sierra Leone Association for Maternal and Infant Health (SLAMIH), Sickle Cell Society and Marie Stopes, Sierra Leone.

Pamela, had presented numerous papers and published several articles and booklets nationally and internationally, including the very popular "Favourite Sierra Leone Recipes". In her latter days, and prior to her death, Pamela was the founder and proprietress of Clewry's Day Care Preparatory School at Beoku Lane in Freetown, a school where children were nurtured and where both children and parents looked forward to attending.

That Wednesday morning when the news broke of Pamela's sudden death, there was no other way to describe it, other than, "the light had gone out in Beouku Lane, Congo Cross**. a sadness that none of us even today, can comprehend. This educated, warm, charming, diligent, caring, free spirited, person had been taken away from us — may her soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

Life of Dr Pamela Adjua Sybil Greene


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