Rice flour, onion and fish cooked in palm oil. Abala, Niger is a village and rural commune in Niger.
How to cook Abala?
1. Chop onions finely and grind together with pepper.
2. Mix rice with water in a bowl to form a thick dropping paste.
3. Add the ground onions and pepper to this mixture and mix thoroughly.
4. Add salt to taste.
5. Add shrimps or flaked fish.
6. Wrap tablespoon of mixture in greased banana leaves which have been cut into squares and heated ovet the fire; or wrap in squares of aluminium foil; or put in greased baking tins.
7. Steam about one hour or until the rice granules are cooked.
Important Nutrition Information:- Mainly carbohydrate and fat - provides calories. Fish and shrimps used generously will provide much protein.
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