Pepper Soup

By West Africa Cooks, 21 October, 2012

Beef, cow's foot, pig's foot, onion, potato or yam in tomatoes. <strong>Pepper soup</strong> is cooked for people who have not been well in addition to other times like parties, celebrations and gatherings all over west Africa. Here is how to cook pepper soup which is also cooked around the world.

This recipe is from the book Favourite Sierra Leone Recipes by Pamela Greene.

Yield amount
Yield units
Preparation time
30 minutes
Cooking time
45 minutes
Total time
1 hour, 15 minutes

How to make Pepper Soup?
Method:- Simmering
1. Chop all meat and bone, pig's foot, cow's foot and put in a large saucepan of water simmer gently until meat is tender and fibrous tissue softened.
2. Add salt to taste, herbs, onion, pepper to taste.
3. Continue to simmer until the volume is reduced.
4. Add cubed yam or potatoes and cook until soft.
5. Serve hot.


Important Nutrition Information:- Rich in all nutrients especially minerals and vitamins.
Other dishes prepared in the same way: -
Fish pepper soup - use fish instead of meat and feet. This takes a shorter time to cook so the fish is added last as it becomes tender quickly.


Favourite Sierra Leone Recipes by Pamela Greene

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